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New Seminars! And a letter.

For those in the Washington DC area, I have several last-minute gymnastic seminars planned. These are all going to take place at Potomac CrossFit in Arlington, Virginia. The gym will have information up very soon on these seminars, but if they don’t, feel free to contact them to register. Price should be around $60-$80 a person.

Gymnastic Seminars

Saturday June 6th: Beginner Seminar – 1:30-3:30 pm
Sunday June 7th: Beginner Seminar – 12:30-2:30 pm
Saturday June 13th: Advanced Seminar – 1:30-3:30 pm

The Beginner seminar is good for those just starting with handstands, and those trying to learn their first muscle-up. The Advanced seminar is good for those who are working on improving their handstands, and can perform multiple muscle-ups.

Space is extremely limited for all three seminars!


If you miss the seminars, I’ve got a couple FREE handstand workshops in Washington DC as well, both located at the Lululemon Clothing stores in Washington DC.

Handstand Workshops

Logan Circle Lululemon location

1461 P St NW
Tues, June 16th – 8:00-9:00pm

Georgetown Lululemon location

3265 M St NW
Sat, June 27th – 1:00-2:00pm

These workshops are more of a guided practice, where one can come and leave as they please. I will be on hand to offer guidance and advice, no matter what your skill level. These workshops get really crowded and busy, so get there early!


Finally, I received an email recently that I found incredibly touching…


“While I’ve been a tremendous fan of you and the ideals and skills promoted by Beastskills for a little over a year now, I wanted to thank you for providing me with a much more profound inspiration in the recent months.

On Febraury 12 (approximately 3 months ago), I fell about 15 feet off a fence (yes–I know I was being a dumb kid–trust me when I say it won’t happen again) and landed on my head. To make matters worse, my fall was broken by a concrete block at the end of a parking space. I ended up needing brain surgery, sinus reconstruction, a small amount of facial reconstruction and during my month long hospital stay I had to lay completely flat for nearly 20 days due to spinal fluid leaks. All of the doctors repeatedly reminded me that I should have died. I recently underwent my final surgery to fix another spinal fluid leak and miraculously I’m doing really well.

Prior to my accident, I had been avidly involved in martial arts and taught karate for about 5 years. Although I may not have been a candidate for Mr. Olympia, I was also extremely dedicated to weightlifting, training bodyweight based strength skills, a little bit of attempted gymnastics and tricking, and generally living a healthy lifestyle. Since February 12th, I have lost almost just about all the muscle I worked so hard to put on, regained only about 60% of my sight, and have been unable to do much of anything.

I’m saying this not because I’m asking for any sympathy or feel that my situation is even particularly horrific. I just want to thank you for posting the things you do on your site. When I stumbled upon Beastskills (and Testosterone Nation as a result of looking through your links), I was really excited to find a new set of skills that matched what I had already enjoyed doing. My workouts, work ethic, and general outlook were impacted greatly by the resources you provided. Now, looking at the skills on the page and remembering how hard I had to work to learn even the simplest skills, I’m presented with a list of goals. I’m not allowed to lift more than 5 pounds at the moment, and I’m not going to be dumb enough to even remotely rush back into training, but I’m excited at the prospect of working to be able to get strong again and relearn the things I loved to do so much before.

I know that may have sounded corny, but I just wanted to say thank you.



I thank Brian again for contacting me, and for granting me permission to post his letter. I put it up there as inspiration for everyone reading the site. I know that sometimes we all get frustrated and discouraged with our training. I just want to remind everyone how grateful we should be to use our bodies and minds in any capacity we can.

Enjoy your training.


May 30, 2009 | Category: Blog | Comments: none


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