Trap bar dead – (no sound)
525 lbs at 175 lbs bodyweight. Removed the original audio, as it was a bit distracting for the video.
Trap bar deadlift – Triple bodyweight
Just a whole lot of heavy squatting and Olympic lifting these past several months. Haven’t touched the trap bar in ages, but wanted to see if I could do this. I think of this as a warm-up to eventually doing this on the normal straight bar. 525 lbs at 175
Northern Maryland Powerlifting Meet – 3/27/10
I competed in a powerlifting meet this past Saturday. I’ve been going through Wendler’s 5/3/1 program for the past two months with great results. I planned to finish with a bench press of 300 lbs and a deadlift of 500 lbs. Nice clean numbers, and longtime goals. I hadn’t moved
Bob Vastine – Age 71 – 450 lb World Record Deadlift!!!
Had the pleasure of heading up to York, Pennsylvania the other weekend to watch my friend and fellow gym member, Bob, compete in an IPA meet. Not only did he hit his goal in the deadlift, but he set a new world record for his class!