Big Guy’s Guide to Holding a Handstand
My guest post on Diesel Crew site. Think handstands are just for 120 lb guys and little kids? Think again! Big Guy’s Guide to Holding a Handstand
The No Handed Planche (April Fool’s Joke from 2007)
The No Handed Planche The no handed planche is quite simply a planche variation where the body is held in a horizontal position to ground with no use of the hands. They are still kept underneath the body for balancing purposes, but they should not touch the ground. I’ll assume from the start of this […]
Handstand Training (one and two arm)
Fantastic books from the 50’s, written by York. Some things remain the same! York Handbalancing Courses
Maltese Cross Training – By David Durante
Free registration is required to read this great article about training the maltese skill on rings. This is the maltese – Maltese training
The One Arm Chinning Guide – By Jack Arnow and Alexander Lechner
My good friend Jack Arnow co-wrote a one arm chinning guide several years back. It was instrumental in giving me the inspiration to train for my own OAC. One arm chinning guide
Iron Cross Training
Another article by Chris Sommer’s on training the iron cross. Iron Cross training for bodybuilders
Planche and Front Lever Progression
Coach Sommer’s progression on for the planche and front lever. Great information! Planche and front lever progression