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An Interview

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Matt Shannon of CrossFit 1776 recently. He asked me questions about common beginner mistakes, my gym pet peeves, progressions for the handstand, plus a whole lot more!

Listen to the interview here – CrossFit 1776 Beast Skills Interview

Was there a question you wanted to know that Matt didn’t ask? Now you have a chance to ask me!

I will be part of a free Tele-seminar with Logan Christopher of this Wednesday night, March 10th at 8:30pm EST. We will be taking and answering as many questions as we can.

Submit your questions here!

This will be the first time I’ve done a teleseminar like this, so if it goes well expect to see more in the future!


Finally, it’s less than a week before Washington D.C.’s “Best of” Voting ends!! I am making a strong push for “Best Personal Trainer”, and hoping that my gym, Balance Gym, wins for “Best Gym” (if you’ve been there, you know it’s the best!)

To alleviate confusion, you can be from anywhere to vote! But please, only one vote per person. You can not use multiple email addresses. Thank you for all the support with this. Just click on the buttons below to enter your email and cast your vote!


Mar 08, 2010 | Category: Blog | Comments: none


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