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Beast Skills around the World!

I recently received an email from one Mike Tornincasa who has been motorcycling around South America with his wife since August of last year! Read all about their adventures at (Pedro and Maria are code names for Mike and his wife Amie, I think they may actually be international spies…)

He enjoys the page because you can work on these skills damn near anywhere! Anyways, here’s a picture of Mike doing a two arm elbow lever in the sand dunes of Peru!

Mike and his fairer half are off to New Zealand and Australia next, then it seems they’re heading across most of Europe! So if you see some scraggly-looking motorcyclist doing a handstand or elbow lever, it could be Mike!


And while we’re on the topic of elbow levers, I’ve changed up the “supplemental exercises” portion for this skill. I’ve been reading through Stuart McGill’s “Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance“, and while it’s an excellent, excellent reference that I whole-heartedly recommend, it warns of the back stress imposed by many various exercises. In the end it’s important to understand the risks and rewards of each exercise and make your own decisions.

Feb 02, 2007 | Category: Blog | Comments: none


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