Thanks to all who came out to XFit Durham!
The time is running away from me this month! I want to thank everyone again who came out March 13th to CrossFit Durham. It was a great time and we had an unprecedented four people get their first muscle-up!!
First on the left, we have Robert. A 17 year old who has never used rings before today!! Congratulations!!!
On the top right is Matt, who made it look easy. Great job!
The bottom two are perhaps the ringers of the group. My friends Doug (left) and Daniel (right). They have never tried the muscle-up before, honest! I guess I just hang around strong people!
I’m in talks for a ton more seminars this year! Check out my Facebook page for first word on them!
Next, I am doing another teleseminar with Logan from LostArtofHandBalancing. TONIGHT, MARCH 23rd at 8:30 ET!!

The first teleseminar was awesome! It went well over an hour and we covered a huge number of questions about training, acrobatics and handbalancing.
For an audio recording of that seminar, and to ask questions for this second teleseminar – SIGN UP HERE!
Finally, I took a hike up Old Rag Mountain in Virginia with the girlfriend this past weekend. Anyone who gets a chance to do this, take it! It’s an incredible hike and challenging to scramble over all the rocks. I snapped a picture on the summit. Another hiker took a picture of me too. That was unexpected!

The one arm handstand felt super solid that day. I’ve been working on it a lot. It’s been feeling much more effortless and relaxed, although I’d still like to improve my control and hold it longer. I guess the one piece of advice that I can give right now, and this applies to the normal handstand too, is to breathe. I always hold a better one and two arm handstand when I keep the body tight but find a normal breathing pattern.
That’s all for now. Good luck with your training!
Mar 23, 2010 | Category: Blog | Comments: none