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Crank Attempt

In honor of Jasper Benincasa’s Birthday (March 25th, 1921 – January 6th, 2012), I attempted to perform a “crank”. A crank is a hanging l-sit to front lever to inverted hang. Jasper was such a master of body weight strength that he could perform this slowly, taking over a minute to complete it! I, on the other hand, can hardly complete a poor attempt at it! Very tough skill!! Looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me before next year’s celebration! Read more about Jasper at -Jim

Mar 26, 2012 | Category: Videos | Comments: 1 | Tags: , , , , , ,


One Response to “Crank Attempt”

  1. Had to watch the vid to figure out how the poses flowed together, hard to picture.

    I’m not sure I understand how beginning in an L-sit makes a front lever harder though. Does it mean harder compared to lowering into it from an inverted position? I guess because it’s having to do a concentric tense compared to eccentric then isometric?

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