90 degree pushups – low
What to do after handstand pushups? Here’s a start – 90 degree pushups. They were feeling good this week. Here I’ve clustered 3 together (~10 sec rest between each). I am working to get low enough until I eventually get down to a back lever-like position and then pull back up to the handstand. And to preemptively answer the common questions – 5’7″ 77Kg 120Kg 1 million years Thank you. -Jim
Feb 18, 2012 | Category: Videos | Comments: 22 | Tags: clean, Fitness, gymnastics, handstand, pushup, strength
Truly amazing stuff! :)
Thank you. I’m proud of this exercise, as I believe it’s a beautiful combination of strength and balance.
Couldn’t agree more!
Is this the same as planche > handstand? Or like planche > bottom of handstand pushup > handstand I guess?
Amazing! I liked the bonus material at the end of the clip, but was most impressed by you grunting out that last rep. Nice work.
Hey man, just discovered your site – love it!
Is this exercise enough to build chest, triceps and shoulders? Perhaps with a few extra pushups for chest development?
Work up to this, then let me know how your chest, triceps, and shoulder feel.
:-o OMFG
Thank ya.
What exercises can you do to work up to this? I have strong upper body strength but nowhere near the balance or coordination to keep my legs straight it would take for this.
GREAT JOB ! Awesome ! Nothing but respect !