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An Acrobat Does Weightlifting

My site, Beast Skills, is known for various gymnastic feats of strength. But I let people know time and time again that I enjoy lifting heavy weights too! Here’s a montage of my lifts from the Cap City Open. I went 6 for 6 and got two meet PR’s. Couldn’t

Read More » | May 3, 2012 | Category: Videos | Comments: none | Tags: , , , ,

90 degree pushups – low

What to do after handstand pushups? Here’s a start – 90 degree pushups. They were feeling good this week. Here I’ve clustered 3 together (~10 sec rest between each). I am working to get low enough until I eventually get down to a back lever-like position and then pull back

Read More » | February 18, 2012 | Category: Videos | Comments: 22 | Tags: , , , , ,