Thanks to all who came out to XFit Durham!
The time is running away from me this month! I want to thank everyone again who came out March 13th to CrossFit Durham. It was a great time and we had an unprecedented four people get their first muscle-up!! First on the left, we have Robert. A 17 year old who has never used […]
An Interview
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Matt Shannon of CrossFit 1776 recently. He asked me questions about common beginner mistakes, my gym pet peeves, progressions for the handstand, plus a whole lot more! Listen to the interview here – CrossFit 1776 Beast Skills Interview Was there a question you wanted to know that […]
“Most Primal” Competition – My Training and Recap
On Sunday I spent the day at Primal Fitness in Washington, D.C., competing in their “Most Primal” Competition. First off, I want to thank Jesse Woody, Quint, and the crew again for all their hard work in planning and running this event. Things went very quickly and efficiently and we were actually out of there […]
Seminar in North Carolina!
Hello everyone! A new post to let you know that I’ll be running a gymnastic seminar on Saturday, March 13th at CrossFit Durham. Register here – The afternoon session is already SOLD OUT, but at the time of posting we still have 3 open spots in the 9am morning session. This is a beginner […]
Things I learned in 2009
First off, Happy New Year! Hope everyone’s enjoyed the holiday season. It’s been a busy couple months for me as I’ve moved into a new apartment (although I still practically live at the gym, training my clients), and then I was swallowed up by the holidays. One thing that was announced this past month was […]
New Seminar in New Jersey!
Where: CrossFit Tribe 7905 Browning Road Suite 202 Pennsauken, NJ 08109 Go to Google Maps When: Saturday, October 24th, 2009 10:00am -12:00 pm (beginner seminar) 1:00pm -3:00 pm (advanced seminar) Cost: $60 per seminar early registration $80 per seminar if registered after Oct 15th CrossFit Tribe page to register What: The beginner […]
New Site Coming = New Features
First, thanks to everyone for all the continued support of the site. When I started all this back in 2004 with a lowly blogspot site, it quickly outgrew itself and hence this website was created. Well the years have passed and it’s time again to grow. I now am caught up in the long process […]
Thanks to all the seminar participants!
We all had a great time at Potomac CrossFit, learning various gymnastic skills. Thanks again to everyone who came out! For those who missed the seminars, I’m running those handstand workshops in Washington DC this month. The info again: Logan Circle Lululemon location 1461 P St NW Tues, June 16th – 8:00-9:00pm Georgetown Lululemon location […]
Thanks for picking up a T-shirt!
Thanks to everyone who picked up a t-shirt over the months of April and May! Again, all proceeds were matched by me and given to ASCONN – The Autism Society of Connecticut . Keep an eye out for charity events in the future, and thanks again for helping!
New Seminars! And a letter.
For those in the Washington DC area, I have several last-minute gymnastic seminars planned. These are all going to take place at Potomac CrossFit in Arlington, Virginia. The gym will have information up very soon on these seminars, but if they don’t, feel free to contact them to register. Price should be around $60-$80 a […]
Charity Event Canceled, But The Giving Will Still Continue!
I received an unfortunate email a couple days ago from Larry Cruz, the organizer of the charity event – Pushing Past Autism. Due to a lack of pre-registered participants, it has been decided that the event will be canceled. As previously stated though, I will still donate all t-shirt sales (plus match them with my […]
Great Seminar Today!
Thanks to everyone who came out to the seminar today at CrossFit RVA in Richmond, VA. And thanks to Jake and Brandon especially for helping put the whole thing together. If you’re in the area, definitely check them out. Awesome workout spot and great group there. Even in the sweltering heat, absolutely everyone kicked butt!! […]
Charity Event – Pushing Past Autism
Pushing Past Autism (link here) is a one-day event in which participants do as many pushups as they can in four hours. It is being held on Saturday May 16th, at the Western Connecticut State University in Danbury, CT. In order to prepare you for the event, I’ve created a quick video to give you […]
New Seminar Announced!
In the grand tradition of John Glenn, Buzz Aldrin, and Lance Bass, I have finally finished my negotiations and will have the next Beast Skills seminar on . . . wait for it . . . THE MOON! In space, no one can hear you scream during a workout That’s right! It’s taken a lot […]
Thanks to all the seminar participants! New Seminars Announced!
A big thank you to everyone who made it through the snow to High Performance Gymnastics Training Center a week ago to attend the Beast Skills seminar! I had a lot of fun, hope you did too. And I hope you went home with plenty of information to improve your bodyweight skills and strength. […]
Philly/Jersey Seminar Still Open! Register Today!
So I’m back from vacation and I’m pleased to see all the people who took advantage of the early bird registration. For those of you who did not, spots are still available for the increased price of $80, but they are filling up fast! Here’s the video where I explain the details you need to […]
Philadelphia/New Jersey Seminar! – March 1st, 2009
Hey everyone, I’m happy to announce a new “beast skills” seminar on Sunday, March 1st. I’ll be holding it at the High Performance Gymnastics Training Center in Chalfont, PA. This is about 45 minutes north of Philadelphia, which puts it in a great location for anyone in the Philly or Jersey area. I will be […]
Happy New Year! Two new videos up.
Hey guys! Hope you all had a great holiday season and are having a great 2009. If you haven’t seen already, I have two new videos up. The first one may sound like a long shot, but I know I get visitors from all over the world. If you live in Tortola, watch the video! […]
Road Trip to York, PA!
First, I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. If you don’t celebrate the holiday, I hope you’ve had some time recently to spend with your family. To quote Don Corleone – “a man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.” Had the pleasure before the Thanksgiving break of […]
The Flag – A Study
I filmed this a week ago, posted it on YouTube three days ago, and here it finally is on the main page. Just playing around with the flag. I talk about swinging the legs up into the skill as an “easier” way to progress into a full hold, as well as lowering down into the […]
Thanks to everyone who attended the seminar!
Thanks to everyone who attended last Sunday’s seminar. I hope you found the three hours very informative and walked away with a lot of tips and progressions to work towards your goals. To those at the seminar who were interested in the flag, I went back to Potomac CrossFit the next day to play […]
Quick Tip for Your Planche, Plus Seminar Sold Out!!!
Just a quick video showing how you can use a pair of dumbbells to do planche work. I’ve found this produces less wear and tear on the wrists in comparison to working the skill on the ground all the time. My planche is hovering, but strong enough right now. Maybe it’s time to start […]
One Arm Negative Tutorial
Hey guys! Made a quick video to show you the one arm negative. This is an exercise used to get the one arm chin-up. The video shows firsthand how slow you want to descend. If you’re falling down from the bar faster than this, then it’s time to back up and try some easier […]
Beast Skills Seminar! November 9th!
Hey Guys! For those of you living in the Washington DC area, or for those of you who want to make the trip over here, I’ll be holding a 3 hour gymnastic seminar from 9am to 12 noon at Potomac Crossfit in Arlington, Virginia on November 9th, 2008. You can find out more information […]
A Video from “The Vault”
Here we go, an old clip from May 2006 of myself doing a 60 lb rope climb: I think I posted a picture from this video way back, but never the video itself. Here you can see how “bouncy” the exercise gets on the way back down and why it was KILLER on my […]
Handstands Banned?
Caught an article here that talked of an Australian school that BANNED cartwheels and handstands. Are you kidding me?? Now an education spokesman said that there’s not a blanket ban, but just that kids were banned from doing unsupervised “handstands, cartwheels and other gymnastic movements” during breaks. So in other words, we can’t have a […]
Did you see that???
In my last post I showed you a video of Jack Arnow and his one arm assisted machine. Did you watch the video? Quite a few of you did. Did you notice how Jack grabbed the bar? Here’s a guy who was been doing one arm chin-ups longer than most people have been alive. For […]
Jack Arnow\’s One Arm Chin-up Machine
I visited Jack Arnow (interview here) in his Brooklyn apartment last weekend, where he showed me his assisted one arm chin-up set up. Check out the indoor chin-up bar he has in his office! He’s doing very well and is currently working up to a double bodyweight chin-up at 140 lbs. He’s done +120 […]
Another Interview!
Dan Donche of Fatal Fitness recently interviewed me for his website – read it here! In the interview I talk about what I do when I hit a plateau in training, the importance of technique, and what I think is the most underrated piece of equipment! (it might not be what you think!) I also […]
The Winds of Change are Coming…
Just a quick YouTube video taken in the wee hours of the morning. I’m just announcing that changes will be taking place to this website. Changes that will make the site easier to navigate and improve content. All of this is an effort to make Beast Skills more useful to you. Thanks again for […]